jueves, 25 de junio de 2015

Link of google drive: Written Asignment


Image Description: Holi festival, India

Image description
“This festival represents the best of our traditions”

At the foreground of the image we can see two women painting each other faces, at the background what happens is pretty much the same thing. At the very background in the top of the image slightly to the left we can see what appears to be a big screen or display which shows the same colors that the women in the foreground are using to paint each other. Colors like red, blue, yellow and so on, are vivid and saturated colors that represent happiness and devotion, which is what the holi festival is about, which is being  celebrated  right know. 

According to the caption we can say that holi festival show the best of all traditions in India. The traditions are very cheerful and has a lot passion. In the holi festival everyone is invited to have a good time and leave problems aside. This festival is celebrated in other parts of the world as well, with a different name, by none of those haves comparison with the festival in India.

Image DEscription: Capetown

Image Description
Nowadays colored people in Cape Flats feel discriminated by Black people. In the past, this situation was a lot different”.

At the centre of the image we can see a big red and light blue colored old building that looks in precarious conditions. At the foreground in the bottom left corner there is a black skinned kid that appears to be running. In the bottom right corner, between the building and the street there is a group of people. It seems that four men with working suit are painting, rebuilding or inspecting the building probably. Going to the details of the picture, in the street there is a lot of garbage.

According to the caption, that in my opinion, doesn't refer that well according to the picture, it says that in the old days, colored people discriminated black people. Today the black people have realized that they are way more than the colored so now they discriminate them. Maybe the building represent this, I think that there are specific buildings just for black people and other for colored people, all this because of racism.